Inaugurating Trump: On The Ground

Inaugurating Trump: On The Ground

Violent protests at the DeploraBall and during the swearing in, why the Women’s Protest made more of a difference By Jacob Engels Being in the nation’s capitol from January 18th until January 21st, our publication had a unique taste of what actually happened during the historic transition of power from Barack Obama to Donald Trump. […]

LEW ROCKWELL: How the MSM Spun the False Russian Narrative

LEW ROCKWELL: How the MSM Spun the False Russian Narrative

Excerpted from Roger Stones new book: The Making of the President. On July 23, 2015, the Guardian in London reported that Putin’s approval ratings were at record high levels, with 9 out 10 Russians approving of their president in a poll that highlighted support for Putin’s strategy of invading Crimea and Ukraine.22 On July 30, […]

BREITBART EXCLUSIVE — Roger Stone’s ‘The Making of the President 2016’: How Donald Trump Rode the Wave of Alternate Media to Become President

BREITBART EXCLUSIVE — Roger Stone’s ‘The Making of the President 2016’: How Donald Trump Rode the Wave of Alternate Media to Become President

The following excerpt is from Roger Stone’s new book “The Making of the President 2016: How Donald Trump Orchestrated a Revolution.” On November 8th, 2016, Donald John Trump was elected the forty-fifth President of the United States. This is a singular accomplishment that can only be attributed to the talent, energy, and foresight of Donald […]



(By Roger Stone) As President Donald J Trump prepares to make his first appointment with the US Supreme Court, I favor the appointment Judge Andrew Napolitano to this vital post. Some critics sneer and point out that Napolitano was “only a state judge”, are perhaps oblivious to the fact that Benjamin Cardozo, Oliver Wendell Holmes, […]

Election Hacking: “The Russians Did It! The Russians Did It!”

Election Hacking: “The Russians Did It! The Russians Did It!”

Hillary Clinton ran a 1980s-style campaign based on identity politics and it never knew how to connect with most Americans. The Russians had no role in her horrible campaign. The Russians did not force Hillary to ignore swing states. The Russians did not force the DNC to rig the primary in favor of a candidate […]

Obama Administration literally destroying public records right now

Obama Administration literally destroying public records right now

Wikileaks founder warns of possible mass destruction of key public records (INTELLIHUB) — Just days after offering a $20,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest of an Obama Administration agent for deleting significant public records, the Wikileaks founder has warned that the Obama White House is doing just that. Speaking on a Periscope […]

The CIA’s Absence of Conviction

The CIA’s Absence of Conviction

(From Craig Murray) I have watched incredulous as the CIA’s blatant lie has grown and grown as a media story – blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate it. There is no Russian involvement in the leaks of emails showing Clinton’s corruption. Yes this rubbish has been the lead today in […]

Mr. Stone’s 11th Annual Best & Worst Dressed List For 2016

In our 11th year of Mr. Stone’s International Best and Worst Dressed, we thank Mr. Blackwell for inspiring this annual tradition, which I carried on under his name for nearly a decade. I am honored to have assumed this responsibility and continue to cover Men’s Fashion for The Daily Caller. As the state of fashion […]

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