Republican Congressman Defends Antifa Tweet
Republican Virginia Rep. Tom Garrett told The Daily Caller Wednesday that he meant to go after violent leftist antifa activists in a Tuesday tweet in which he adopted the protesters’ moniker. “I’m ANTI-FAscism! That makes me #ANTIFA! If you are too, like and retweet, if not, maybe you’re pro-fascism. We are the 99%!” Garett tweeted. […]

Apraio’s prosecution was a political “revenge prosecution” initiated by the Obama DOJ to stop Sheriff Arpaio from rigorous enforcement of the immigration laws. As previously reported, the case against Arpaio began with the 2007 traffic stop that resulted in the arrest of Ortega Melendres, a Mexican tourist who was a passenger in an automobile stopped […]

(By Roger Stone) Recently I launched a bipartisan effort to persuade President Donald Trump to honor his pledge made during the presidential campaign to respect the states’ rights to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. Partnering with me in this important endeavor is Orlando trial attorney and major Clinton donor and fundraiser John Morgan, Fox News […]
Christian Patriot Prayer Rally Labeled Racist By Pelosi & Media

This weekend we saw all over the news that the alt-Left communist group was attacking “right wing racists” in Berkeley which was another BIG LIE by the MEDIA. The real story was that a “Patriot Prayer” and “UniteAmericaFirst” that includes Christian Patriots of all color were coming together to denounce Marxism, racism, and violence. Before […]
Roger Stone Predicts “Civil War” if President Trump Impeached

Former Trump adviser Roger Stone believes a civil war would ensue if Congress impeaches President Donald Trump. Speaking to TMZ at the Los Angeles International Airport on Wednesday, Stone was asked what he believes would happen if Congress moves to strip Trump of his power. “The people who are calling for his impeachment are the […]
5 Reasons Why Boycotting Roger Stone’s 420 Speech Is Horrifically Stupid

Just as we are turning the tide and moving towards sensible marijuana policy nationwide, a few idiots are trying to set us back decades. By Jacob Engels (Central Florida Post) Roger Stone has mentored and advised President Donald Trump for nearly four decades. He has been encouraging Trump to run for President since 1988 and […]
Double Standard Debbie: Stop Lying!

Debbie Wasserman Schultz (DWS) has been caught, yet again. By Taylor Foland Thirty-seven-year-old Imran Awan was a former IT staffer for the House of Representatives, along with several other of his family members. Imran was arrested on July 25, 2017 at Dulles International Airport for bank fraud while attempting to flee the country for Pakistan. […]
11 CA Counties Have More Voters than Voting-Age Citizens

(By JOEL B. POLLAK at Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog organization, has sent a letter to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla on behalf of the Election Integrity Project, noting that there are 11 counties in the state with more registered voters, and alleging that the state may be out of compliance with Section 8 […]
Why McMaster Has To Go

By Roger Stone (Big League Politics) President Trump’s National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is a Globalist with long ties to George Soros. How did such a person even get hired in the Trump White House? McMaster was promoted for the job by the President’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, a liberal Democrat who falsely claimed he was […]
The Real Collusion

By Roger Stone A once top-secret intelligence memo recently declassified by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) and reviewed by Circa shows roughly ten pages listing hundreds of violations by the FBI of their privacy-protecting minimization rules while James Comey was director. The FISA report was in direct contradiction to Comey’s testimony to the Senate […]