President Trump’s Accomplishments So Far

THIS ISN’T SAID ENOUGH Trump’s accomplishments were compiled by a generous StoneColdTruth fan 1. Nominated Supreme Court Judge Gorsuch2. 59 missiles dropped in Syria3. He took us out of TPP4. Illegal immigration is now down 70% (the lowest in 17 years)5. Consumer confidence highest since 2000 at index 125.66. Mortgage applications for new homes rise […]
Best Buddies – The Mueller/Comey Connection

Fired FBI director James Comey and Special Counsel to the Russian collusion investigation, Bob Mueller, are best buddies? That is a clear conflict of interest! By Roger Stone When acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein recommended that president Trump fire FBI Director James Comey, he set the stage for a stand-off between the two men, and […]
Top Clinton Donor Quits Party, Won’t Fundraise For DNC

Wealthy trial attorney John Morgan officially announced that he won’t run for Governor in Florida, is becoming an independent, and will withhold his millions from the Democratic National Committee. By Jacob Engels After months of toying with the idea of running for Governor on the Democratic line, Lake Mary based trial attorney John Morgan announced […]
Al Franken’s unconvincing ‘apologies’

Post Editorial Board Al Franken comes out of the world of show business, where scripts are constantly rewritten — so that’s probably why he’s just issued a fourth version of his attempt to explain sexual-harassment charges against him. But the Minnesota senator’s still not making the kind of full-throated apology called for by the accusations against […]
Freedom Based Social Network Does Not Censor is becoming a top refuge for conservatives and libertarians who are being suspended or censored on Twitter. By Jacob Engels Barring a legion of banned users storming Twitter HQ, the social media platform will continue its highly illegal censorship campaign, and plans to purge users after implementing new rules on December 18th. These new […]
JFK Was Assassinated By LBJ, Establishment, Deep State

*** SCT STAFF SPECIAL *** It’s been four years since Roger Stone published his shocking expose on the JFK assassination, which laid out the case against Vice President Lyndon Johnson, and his cronies for their involvement in orchestrating the assassination of JFK and subsequent coverup. Now, as the decades long narrative about JFK’s assassination pushed […]

(By Roger Stone) There is nothing illegal or improper with someone having contact with Julian Assange or WikiLeaks. Julian Assange is not a Russian asset and WikiLeaks is not a Russian propaganda organization. I understand that the US intelligence agencies insist otherwise but they are utterly unable to prove it. It’s true in their minds […]
The Dark Ages of Jeff Sessions

By Roger Stone It’s bad enough that Trump Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions has recused himself on both the question of Russian collusion as well as an investigation into Uranium One or the skullduggery of the Obama Justice Department in the ever greedy Clintons. Sessions has also failed to bring any prosecutions despite the largest illegal […]
Untold Stories Of Election Day 2016

BELOW IS A RECAP OF ELECTION DAY/NIGHT FROM ESQUIRE MAGAZINE featuring ROGER STONE. **Roger Stone, longtime Trump ally: She was just dead in the water. ** On November 8, 2016, America’s chief storytellers—those within the bubbles of media and politics—lost the narrative they had controlled for decades. In a space of 24 hours, the concept […]
Betrayal at Bethesda: The Intertwined Fates of James Forrestal, Joseph McCarthy and John F. Kennedy

New Historical Expose Uncovers Serious Discrepancies in Deaths of Leading Anti-Communist American Leaders By J.C. Hawkins “This is one of the most important books ever written including, for the first time, how JFK’s orders for a preemptory air strike against the Cuban Airforce, canceled at the last minute doomed the Bay of Pigs invasion.” – Roger […]