Originally published in the Gateway Pundit
U.S. House Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said that in the event he became Speaker of the House, Congressman Eric Swalwell, Congressmen Adam Schiff and Congresswoman Ilhan Omar would be blocked from serving on sensitive committees.
Swalwell, you recall, was caught in a romantic liaison with a Red Chinese spy who went by the name “Fang Fang” (also known as Christine Fang), who successfully placed a staffer on the payroll in Swalwell’s office. As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, Swalwell continues to be privy to classified information regarding our national security, yet Speaker Pelosi has refused to address this security breach. Sadly, Fang Fang died in a mysterious plane crash reported on March 22nd, 2022.
Adam Schiff’s reaction to McCarthy’s pledge was more predictable. He lied.
“Well McCarthy apparently doesn’t think it’s collusion if your campaign manager is giving inside polling data and battle strategy in key states to an agent of Russian intelligence. Well, the Russians were helping your campaign but most Americans would call that collusion,” Schiff told CNN.
So, in other words, Adam Schiff did what he does best. He lied again.
In a March 22, 2017 exchange with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press Daily, Todd suggested that the evidence of collusion was at best circumstantial. “Actually, no, Chuck,” Schiff said. “I can tell you that the case is more than that. And I can’t go into the particulars, but there is more than circumstantial evidence now. … I will say that there is evidence that is not circumstantial, and is very much worthy of investigation.”
In fact, neither the House Intelligence Committee nor Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe turned up any evidence of Russian intelligence collusion with the Trump campaign.
The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee report on alleged “Russian collusion” is so ridiculously fraudulent that I can say categorically that every single section of the report that mentions my name is entirely false and inaccurate. While it is accurate that the Committee had a Republican majority at the time the report was compiled and released, Senate Committee Republicans were uniformly anti-Trump and their final report is a laughable propaganda document and their “investigation” was led by Virginia Democrat Sen. Mark Warner, a hyperpartisan Trump-hater.
I documented Schiff’s role in violating both federal law and House Rules in the charges fabricated against me by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s hit squad.
Schiff’s duplicitous and illegal conduct were essentially confirmed on November 3rd, 2020 when a Federal Judge ordered the Department of Justice to release the final long-redacted sections of Muller’s final Report in which he admitted that he had found “no factual evidence” connecting me to Russian collusion, WikiLeaks collaborations, or the phishing and publication of John Podesta’s e-mails.
Schiff’s statement to CNN is a reference to Konstantin Kilimnik, who both the House and Senate Intelligence Committees insist is a Russian intelligence asset. Kilimnik worked with Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort prior to Manafort joining the Trump campaign and it is alleged that Manafort shared some presidential campaign polling information with Kilimnik.
There are several problems with this Kalimnik narrative. After spending millions of dollars with unbridled legal authority, Special Counsel Robert Mueller could come up with no evidence of Russian collusion other than the thin reed of Konstantin Kilimnik. Unfortunately, there is far more evidence to support the fact that Kalimnik was a U.S. intelligence asset, rather than the idea that he was working for “the Russians.”
Paul Manafort himself addressed this in his book, “Political Prisoner: Persecuted, Prosecuted, but Not Silenced” when he said, “…my associate Konstantin Kilimnik…. was not only not a Russian agent, but he was a US asset. He was so important to the US embassy in Kiev that he had a code name to protect him in cable traffic between Ukraine and Washington.”
Manafort went on to say that “The same anonymous US government sources who pushed this false narrative had access to the State Department files that identified him as a valued asset. They knew he was not a spy.” But they didn’t care. They needed a Russian, and unfortunately for this friend of the United States, he was their mark. Unconcerned with how it might impact Kilimnik and his family, they made him out to be a spy knowing it was a lie.
Manafort also noted that, “Before he joined my staff, Kilimnik had worked at the Moscow office of the International Republican Institute (IRI). This was a Republican think tank that promoted democracy in developing countries. Kilimnik rose to be the number two person in the IRI Moscow office. The head of the IRI at the time was none other than Senator John McCain of Arizona.” Are they saying that Senator John McCain was colluding with a Russian spy?
Independent journalist Matt Taibbi reported, “The FBI’s own declassified reports show Kilimnik met with the head of the Kiev embassy’s political section “at least biweekly” during his time working with Manafort and Yanukovitch, adding that he “displayed good knowledge and seemed to know what was going on,” and came across as “less slanted” than other sources, among many other things. This fits with what I was told by multiple former colleagues of Kilimnik’s, that staffers in the Kiev embassy valued his analyses above those of some Americans in Yanukovitch’s orbit.”
Taibbi also noted that Kilimnik was so valued as a source by the State Department that his name was redacted from classified cables to and from the U.S. embassy in Kiev.
As I have written, the antics of Adam Schiff are standard operating procedure for this charlatan, who frequently makes explosive public charges readily lapped up by the lap-dog media in order to generate headlines.
Schiff and his enablers in the media virtually never come up with proof to back his accusations.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, or any Republican who might become Speaker of the U.S. House, should most definitely block Schiff from serving on any House Committee where he is able to obtain, twist, and leak classified information. The Nation’s future security depends on it.