troy king

Alabama’s race for Attorney General is a classic campaign where a true Trump Republican, Former Attorney General Troy King, faces Attorney General Steve Marshall, who is a Democrat and Obama supporter that is now masquerading as a wannabe Trump-Republican.

Troy King is a crusading, 100% genuine, lifelong Republican, with a solid conservative record as a crime-buster and defender of children and the elderly.  During Troy King’s tenure as Alabama’s Republican Attorney General, crime, including violent crime, was at a 30-year low. Troy King wrote and passed the Nation’s toughest sex offender laws, trained over 2,500 statewide members of law enforcement, and fought tirelessly to keep violent criminals behind bars. Even since leaving office, Troy King has personally attended over 50 parole hearings to continue his fight for victims of crime and to stand at their side. Endorsed by the Alabama Republican Assembly, Troy King is the only solid and true Trump Republican in this race.

Steve Marshall…not even close.  In 2001, Steve Marshall was appointed District Attorney as a Democrat by Democrat Governor and convicted felon Don Siegelman. In 2004, Steve Marshall ran as a Democrat, was on the ballot with Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Chuck Schumer – and he supported John Kerry. In 2008, he stood with Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi.  Steve Marshall had an Obama bumper sticker and personally wrote checks to underwrite the DNC’s platform, including but not limited to, Planned Parenthood abortions. Even during Alabama’s massive conservative uprising in 2010, Steve Marshall ran as a Liberal Democrat – then miraculously changed parties in 2011 when he saw that he would not be able to win re-election again.  Now he wants you to believe he is a Donald Trump Republican. Don’t be fooled by this corrupt imposter and RINO.

In February 2017, Steve Marshall once again sought an appointment. With his corrupt Democrat tendencies showing, he made a backroom sweetheart deal with embattled Alabama Governor Robert Bentley, who was at the same time under investigation by the Alabama Attorney General’s office while the Alabama legislature was also convening impeachment hearings. Steve Marshall was not elected by conservative voters.  Instead, Steve Marshall was appointed by a disgraced Governor who was ultimately forced out of office with threats of impeachment over 4 felony ethics charges.  Despite widespread news reporting to the contrary, Steve Marshall denied having any knowledge that the Attorney General’s Office was investigating the Governor.  Steve Marshall conveniently recused himself from the proceeding, and in exchange for the deal, the Governor walked free.  Steve Marshall is an Obama Democrat in Republican clothing, and under his reign, crime in Alabama is at a 20-year high.

But wait, there’s more. On June 24, 2018, Marshall’s wife mysteriously took her own life while residing apart from her husband in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Her death remains an active investigation. The press has been refused access to any information about the registration of the weapon used, and there have been questions raised about who the apartment was leased by. Shortly after his wife’s death, Marshall held a press conference where he outlined how they had been living in separate states and her long battle with mental illness. Marshall announced that she had been living in Tennessee for five months and that he had no idea where she was living. I’m going to tell you; I have several questions about a husband who leaves his wife who suffers from mental illness to pursue his pollical ambitions. Oddly enough, Steve Marshall is hosting the Attorney General of Tennessee at a fundraiser this Saturday.

In addition to his slimy liberal tactics and appointments, Marshall has taken $735,000 of illegal campaign contributions and is refusing to follow the law in Alabama. The same law that he swore to uphold and defend. Then again, who is surprised? That’s exactly what Democrats have been doing for decades. Saying one thing, then when they think no one is looking, doing something else.

Yesterday, Troy King filed a Motion for a Temporary Restraining Order to ensure that the people of Alabama aren’t improperly influenced in this coming Tuesday’s election. Worth noting are the attorneys who are representing Marshall and RAGA on the motion: Ted Hosp, former Democrat Governor/convicted felon Don Siegelman’s legal advisor and was also Democrat Presidential candidate John Kerry’s in-state legal counsel, and Charlie Spies, who represents RAGA. Spies filed a Federal Election Commission complaint against our very own President, Donald Trump, while he was campaigning as a Republican Presidential candidate.

They say that if you run with the dogs, you will get fleas. Steve Marshall seems to not be able to help the fact that he is surrounded by Democrats and anti-Trumpers.

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