Election 2024: Deep State Demagogue John Brennan Smearing Trump Again

Election 2024: Deep State Demagogue John Brennan Smearing Trump Again

As the November presidential election approaches, former CIA Chief and Russian Collusion peddling globalist John Brennan is up to his old tricks.

By Roger Stone for the StoneZONE

It does not come as a surprise that disgraced ex-CIA Chief John Brennan is beginning to meltdown over the idea of President Donald J. Trump returning to the White House for a second term, and he has good reason to be worried. 

Brennan, who famously helped spread the phony Steele Dossier, which in 2016 alleged that then candidate Donald J. Trump was somehow compromised by Vladimir Putin and the Russians, is no stranger to attacking our 45th (and soon to be 47th POTUS), with his greatest hits including claims that President Trump committed acts of treason, among dozens of other absolutely baseless claims. It’s important to remember that Brennan and his ilk are always guilty of the exact thing they attack Trump and his allies for.

These claims, which have proven to be patently false and were likely known to be fabricated at the time of Brennan and his allies disseminating them, were the true election interference of 2016. Brennan knew that the “Steele Dossier” used to justify the FISA warrants to surveill Trump campaign staffers, as well as to justify the appointment of a special counsel. Robert Muller was a fraud, commissioned and paid for by Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Brennan’s claim that Russian intelligence hacked the Democratic National Committee computer servers has never been proven. In fact substantial forensic evidence exists that the download of the purloined data so embarrassing to Hillary Clinton, and the Democrats, was to a portable drive that was spirited out of the DNC building.

We now know, according to the Durham Report that Brennan briefed then President Obama and Vice Joe Biden on the nature of the Steele Dossier and was aware of the fact that Hillary Clinton’s campaign planned on using it to vilify Donald J. Trump as a pawn of Vladimir Putin. It’s also been confirmed that CIA Director Brennan also identified over two-dozen Trump advisors or associates to be surveilled by the Five Eyes of the US Intelligence Community, while also relying on foreign intelligence services to conduct the unlawful surveillance.  

Brennan’s fingerprints are also all over the illegal FISA warrants and wiretaps that were used during the same time in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election, which similarly targeted the most ardent supporters of Donald J. Trump, myself included. And, according to Newsmax, a US Court found last year that improper and illegal politically motivated misuse of the FISA courts were not the only instances of misuse, citing that the FBI found the mechanism had been used improperly over almost 300,000 times in recent years. 

John Brennan and his cronies in the intelligence community, correctly billed as “Spies Who Lie” by the New York Post, are understandably in a tailspin of rage and anger as the likelihood of a second term for Donald J. Trump becomes almost certain as the US economy continues to crumble and the American people tire of the two-tiered justice system in this country. He was among the 51 former intelligence officials who knowingly penned a letter proclaiming the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop as “Russian Disinformation and Propaganda” being utilized by the Trump campaign and Republicans to interfere in the 2020 presidential elections, which of course has been proven to be absolute bunk as recent congressional investigations have proven the contents of the laptop not only to be true, but worse than initially ever imagined

That has led an unhinged Brennan to lash out against President Trump in the past few months in several disturbing episodes. In early March, he proclaimed that the US Intelligence Community would withhold security briefings and analysis from the GOP nominee and 45th POTUS, which is ironic considering Brennan was stripped of his security clearance during the Trump administration after years of misuse and abuse. 

Then just a few days ago, Brennan claimed that the 45th POTUS was “not qualified” during his first term and that he is not qualified presently to serve as Commander-in-Chief. Recent polls show that a solid plurality of Americans disagree with Brennan’s elitist attitude.

Brennan and his co-conspirators view themselves as a select group of insiders and deciders who alone possess the “intelligence” and “judgement” in determining the leader of the free world. That power, however, relies solely with the American people, who entrusted Donald J. Trump with that responsibility in 2016, again in 2020 before his victory was stolen by widespread fraud. 

The thought of a second-term for President Trump not only threatens to take away their ability to abuse the powers of the Intelligence Community against their political opponents, it threatens to put them in the position of being legally held to account for their egregious criminal acts and politicization of government agencies that have forced us into a truly dystopian existence that George Orwell himself would be shocked to see existing outside his fictional works. 

While certainly aggravating, Brennan also managed to work on the idea that President Trump, if elected, would let Russian Vladimir Putin “swallow Ukraine” and thus give him license to take over Europe, en-masse. The truth, as always, does not stop John Brennan from attacking President Trump for any reason and at any moment. We should be reminded that with Trump’s decisive and strong leadership, Vladimir Putin dared not launch an invasion of Ukraine and tensions in that region and across the world were at the lowest point in living memory during his first term. Putin has denied any territorial aspirations in Europe, but launched his attack on Ukraine, because of the joint Ukrainian/US violation of both the Budapest Memorandum, and the Minsk Accords, in which the United States had agreed by treaty, not to push Ukraine into NATO, nor to mount offensive missiles on the ground in Ukraine, pointed at Russia. 

For those who know just a little about John Brennan, his anti-American leanings should come as no surprise. In 1980, he confessed during a lie detector test relating to his employment in the CIA that he has long supported Communist Party of America candidates in not just one, but four separate election cycles. 

Former FBI Special Agent John Guandolo, who led counterterrorism efforts for the agency following the 9/11 attacks, including investigating the attack on the Pentagon and developing the FBI’s counterrorism program, revealed YEARS AGO that Brennan, as a CIA Station Chief in Saudi Arabia has converted to radical Islam

Guandolo’s assertions were confirmed by another CIA Station Chief, a man by the name of Brad Johnson, who confirmed it was “well-known” and “common knowledge” that Brennan had not just been converted to Islam, but also radicalized. 

Brennan and his CIA operators in Saudi Arabia have also been accused of withholding information on several of the 9/11 hijackers that could have helped the FBI stop the Islamic terrorists attacks and even approving their VISAS, specifically intelligence on two of the hijackers that would eventually crash American Airlines Flight 77, according to a detailed report released by an investigator for the Office of Military Commissions. The report also noted how the CIA used official resources to spy on fellow law enforcement officers in the FBI, how surprising!

The CIA has long worked with well-known terrorist linked organizations like the Islamic Society of North American, which has been linked with global terror finance organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas. Brennan as CIA Director under Barack Obama infamously stated that ISIS members were “not Muslims”, which parallel with the Obama administration’s refusal to describe groups like ISIS as having no religious motivations for their domestic and international terrorist operations. 

Brennan also had CIA agents hack into the computers of members of the US Senate, their staff, and whistleblowers when they were conducting an investigation to the agencies use of torture, something Mr. Brennan blatantly lied about during his testimony nearly a decade ago. He would later be forced to apologize privately to US Senate staffers after California Senator Diane Feinstein and Oregon Senator Ron Wyden exposed his illegal spy operation, after denying the hacking and spying took place in countless news interviews and public statements. 

Simply put, John Brennan’s words deserve no weight when it comes to politics stateside or abroad. While President Trump worked to secure this nation at the behest of the American people who voted for his campaign crying out for a change in the way the United States handles our affairs, people like John Brennan care for nothing but a completely unchecked, unmonitored, and politically driven police state that protects a select few who believe that they alone deserve to control the destiny of the United States of America.  

That stands in fundamental contrast to what our founding fathers wanted for the United States. We broke away from Great Britain in order to provide the power to the people and John Brennan wishes to return us to a monarchical rule of governance, except this time we swap royal families for Deep State operators, compromised Hollywood celebrities, Marxist political movements, and politicians who spend more time hating the awe inspiring power of liberty and freedom that fuels the American Dream. 

Without question, a number of Brennan’s activities can be viewed as legally treasonous. There is no statute of limitations on the crime of treason. 

Perhaps what the CIA Director actually fears is his rightful prosecution, should Trump become president again.

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