By Gregory Stenstrom for Intelligencer
The day after President Trump and codefendants Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes won their Philadelphia defamation case on February 28th, 2024, where they used a “truth is a complete defense“ strategy to expose massive election fraud, Pennsylvania Governor Shapiro responded by announcing he would partner with federal agencies to target “threats to elections.” Specifically, Shapiro will gag speech he deems “misinformation” with unveiled threats directed at President Trump, and Stenstrom and Hoopes, who have turned the false narrative of the “safest and most secure elections in history” on its head.
Massive Win for President Trump in Pennsylvania Election Fraud Defamation Lawsuit
Shapiro Partners With CISA To Target Election Speech He Deems A ‘Threat’
There is no longer any question of whether there was massive election fraud in the November 2020 presidential election, or in elections since. It is now a matter of public and judicial record that it did occur, and Shapiro was at the vanguard in stealing both the Pennsylvania and national elections.
Election fraud is not the end goal, but the means by which a cadre of career criminals are placed in strategic roles within government to implement wealth extraction from the citizenry.
Left unopposed, Shapiro intends to continue stealing elections. In addition to his now open threats to anyone challenging what he ironically calls “The Big Lie,” he recently ordered that illegal aliens who apply for drivers’ licenses be illegally registered to vote by mail-in-ballot, is now prowling college campuses for non-resident students to also register to vote by mail-in-ballot, and amping up every possible method to cement his control over election outcomes.
The only “big lie” is that Josh Shapiro refused to investigate the massive election fraud reported to him as Pennsylvania Attorney General, and he never dared to enter a courtroom on the matter.
Shapiro Orders Automatic Voter Registration; GOP Cries Foul
Josh’s Plan to Defend Democracy, Ensure Access to the Ballot Box, & Improve Elections
Shapiro has focused a group of criminal-minded acolytes, minions, and lawyers to terrorize anyone opposed to their ideas of the fundamental “transformation” of the government and maintain their hold on it to extort and extract the wealth of the citizenry. His simple formula, historically used by all tyrants, is to give weak-minded, resentful, unqualified people a little bit of absolute power, along with a salary that depends on them wielding that power and setting them loose.
One unique microcosm that best illustrates that paradigm without having to delve into the specific dynamics of how giving a little power to small-minded people works, is to do an internet search on Homeowner Association (HOA) legal abuses to illustrate what happens when a useful idiot is given a little power over their neighbors and communities.
Homeowners’ Association Horror Stories
It is necessary for President Trump to win the presidency but that will not be sufficient to successfully govern and restore our Republic. If criminal politicians, like Governor Shapiro, maintain a grip on falsely counting the votes that the People cast, it will not matter if President Trump wins in a landslide, and fights his way through indictments, certification, and inauguration.
One man, even President Trump, cannot stand against a committed group of corrupt representatives and officials embedded in key positions in the Congress, Courts, State legislatures, and County level governments and bureaucracy where miscreants are selected and illegitimately installed to oppose the will of the People through a small, but disruptive force of “useful idiots.”
To reclaim our Republic from corrupt politicians like Shapiro, we must restore honest elections by exposing and litigating against the minions he secretly relies on to implement and run his myriad of criminal enterprises.
Secrecy has dominated Shapiro’s transition to Pa. governor. It may be a sign of what is to come.
In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Governor Shapiro has led the effort to subvert elections, and obstruct legitimate criminal investigations into organized election fraud.
During the 860-day trajectory of their defamation case with President Trump, Stenstrom and Hoopes meticulously established an evidentiary base of massive election fraud that they personally witnessed. The evidence showed that Governor (and former PA Attorney General) Shapiro was not just a beneficiary of election fraud in Pennsylvania, but among its chief architects and sentinels.
Shapiro’s announcement on March 1st, 2024, that he would harness and weaponize the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to surveil and target citizens who exercised freedom of speech in opposition to his perverted notion of “safe” elections is a call to action that Leah Hoopes and Gregory Stenstrom have already answered, and other citizens must rally to. Shapiro’s targets do not just include citizens exercising their rights, but also includes ANY good public servant who might cross swords with him in executing their statutory duties to provide honest public service.
Similar attempts by some of our elected representative and public-private partnerships to censor free speech and target and shut down social media under the guise of “misinformation” threaten our Republic.
Pennsylvania governor unveils election security task force to mitigate threats to the 2024 vote
Is TikTok getting shut down? Congress flooded with angry calls over possible US ban
Evidence of how Shapiro operates includes him personally directing Pennsylvania special agents to go to the homes of Stenstrom and Hoopes, and other witnesses of massive election fraud in Pennsylvania, on November 17th, 2020, to falsely accuse them of committing election fraud and threaten them with prosecution to shut them up. Shapiro coordinated not only the trajectory of election cheating, but obstructed investigations, and led the narrative of “The Big Lie,” when in fact, he lied about being notified by US Attorney William McSwain, as directed by US Attorney General William Barr, of massive election fraud.
Bill McSwain election claim at heart of feud with Bill Barr is at heart of feud in Delco
William Barr clashes with former Trump appointee from Pa. over handling of election-fraud claims
Shapiro’s law firm, Stradley Ronan, along with the law firms of Duane Morris LLP and Ballard Spahr LLP were instrumental in suppressing exculpatory evidence not only in Pennsylvania, but across the nation that would have exonerated President Trump, Mike Lindell, Roger Stone, Fox News, Newsmax, and Stenstrom and Hoopes, among others.
Together they conspired and connived to place “debunking” stories with to shape the false narrative that there was no election fraud, and then point to the very stories they had placed as “evidence.”
We have the attorney billing receipts for Duane Morris LLP to Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Delaware County Billing Receipts from Duane Morris LLP

Excerpt from Duane Morris LLP lawyer bills to Delaware County, PA
“” is not a “fact checking” organization, but rather a partisan NGO (Non-governmental Organization) and alias for the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania where Biden received millions of dollars in salary as it’s Chair. Any defendant politico or lawyer with the cash who needs their opposition “mega debunked” need look no further.
Further, within the United States there is a collaborative federal intra-agency effort designed to subvert legitimate criminal investigations and prosecution into organized high crimes and treason.
US Inspector General Horwitz, Former US Attorney General Barr, US Attorney General Rosen, FBI Director Wray, Special Counsel Jack Smith, who are all members of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), otherwise known as “The Council” further conspired to craft a false narrative by announcing that there was no “widespread” election fraud in November 2020. They knew that it only takes twenty (20) Counties of the 3,143 Counties that make up the United States to change the outcome of the national elections.
We have the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) receipts.
Stenstrom and Hoopes reported this is in detail in their book “The Parallel Election: A Blueprint of Deception,” which was subsequently corroborated in multiple journalist reports.
FULL BOOK – The Parallel Election – REVIEW Watermark – Color – Full Final 05JUL2022
Zuckerberg’s election spending was ‘carefully orchestrated’ to influence 2020 vote: ex-FEC member
“The Council” or “CIGIE” (pronounced ‘sig-ee’) was formed in 1978 in response to government corruption highlighted by the Watergate scandal. In fact, it was a construct to move the United States towards “progressive social reconstruction” by a group of men who believe this country is “theirs.” They believe they “own” the United States of America and are its rightful stewards. They do not work for any elected representative. They have cemented their control over every facet of the government by installing an Inspector General (IG) in almost every government agency.
Their goal was, and is, simple. Complete state capture and extraction of wealth of the nation.
Their means of maintaining control has been to obstruct any investigation and destroy anyone, including honest public servants, who might try to hold them accountable by weaponizing government agencies that they control. They have done so systematically in every investigation that might expose them for decades.
The potential election of President Trump, or any other good public servant, who jeopardizes their hold on the United States, must be stopped in their minds. For that reason, after Donald Trump inadvertently overcame their control of elections in the 2016 presidential election, they implemented a plan to centralize US elections and place them in the hands of a relative handful of “useful innocents” and “useful idiots” to subvert national elections for the 2020 presidential election.

2020 County Vote Result, Blue (Biden), Red (Trump) (licensed)
What has protected the United States for centuries is decentralized elections made up of 3,143 counties and many more thousands of individual precincts that before November 2020 tabulated votes on Election Day, reported those results, and the citizenry knew the results by the evening.
It was a simple math problem to target only a couple of dozen Counties out of 3,143 to subvert the 2020 election, then ensure that it was certified in an empty Congress on the evening of January 6th, 2021, and subsequently quash and obstruct investigations.
It only takes a small number of “pivot” Counties in key “swing” States to control the outcome of elections. This is why President Trump “lost” the 2020 presidential election despite winning 2,497 counties to Biden’s 477 before the election was called for Biden.
By placing centralized counting centers in key “pivot” counties and subverting the vote via the substitution of mail-in ballots and the insertion of electronic votes with portable USB storage devices (“vCards”) and obfuscating and blocking transparency and inspection of those votes, elections can be controlled to produce any outcome they desire.
Gregory Stenstrom, a US naval officer and fraud expert reported this to US Attorney McSwain on November 7th, 2020, and his 26-page sworn declaration subsequently rippled through “The Council” (CIGIE) and the top echelons of government agencies they weaponized in less than two hours after McSwain emailed it to his superiors, as documented in the FOIA emails linked above.
Declaration by Gregory Stenstrom of Delco Vote Counting Center – Smooth – 09NOV2020+IAI
As documented by the FOIA emails, over the next two days, US Attorney General Barr, his executive staff, and “The Council,” crafted a response released on November 9th, 2020, that there was no evidence of “widespread” election fraud, and that investigations would be turned over to State Attorney Generals (aka Josh Shapiro), where they would go to die.
Richard Pilger, the Director of the Election Crimes Branch at the Criminal Division for the US DOJ, who wrote the manual in 2017 for how the DOJ would handle election fraud in 2020, resigned the same day (November 9th, 2020) in protest over US AG Barr’s handling of election fraud reports. His resignation letter is included among to FOIA emails obtained by Leah Hoopes.
On November 25th, 2020, Gregory Stenstrom and Leah Hoopes testified before the Pennsylvania State Senate Committee in Gettysburg, PA, regarding the massive election fraud they had witnessed firsthand in Delaware County, PA.
Gregory Stenstrom testimony before PA State Senate Committee
Leah Hoopes testimony before PA State Senate Committee
This testimony was viewed over twenty (20) million times worldwide, and translated into a dozen languages, but was subsequently scrubbed from the Internet, as was other testimony and evidence by others in Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada of massive election fraud.
Stenstrom and Hoopes were unaware at that point of the involvement of “The Council” and Governor Shapiro (then the Attorney General for Pennsylvania) in subverting the US elections but realized that they needed to proceed strategically to expose the massive election fraud.
To protect their evidence of election fraud, Stenstrom cofounded Patriot.Online in February 2021, a secure, private social media platform that incorporated cloud storage where they could upload and provide links to their investigative materials and evidence, as well as provide and maintain a voice for the public citizenry that could not be squelched.

Patriot.Online private datacenter and secure infrastructure
Stenstrom and Hoopes worked with other election transparency advocates including teams coordinated by Mayor Rudy Giuliani, attorney Sidney Powell, former Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline, and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, among others. Stenstrom’s declaration was among the exhibits in Paxton’s Texas v Pennsylvania et al SCOTUS case.
Texas v Pennsylvania et al – TX AG Ken Paxton
Patriot.Online – Gregory Stenstrom Home Page
Having carefully watched the quashing of lawsuits and unlawful certifications of the 2020 election and January 6th kabuki theater in Washington, DC, Stenstrom and Hoopes crafted a plan to capture election officials destroying evidence and admitting to election fraud in Delaware County, PA.
Stenstrom, who has substantial expertise in investigating fraud knew from experience that when pressed to provide evidence, corrupt public officials and corporate executives usually destroyed that evidence. Hoopes and Stenstrom coordinated with a volunteer whistleblower within the Delaware County Board of Elections and Project Veritas to submit Pennsylvania Open Records “Right to Know” requests for public election records, and then have the whistleblower take video and audio of election officials’ responses. The results were as expected, and jaw dropping.
The whistleblower captured Delaware County Board of Election officials destroying election records and admitting – on video – to fabricating the entire November 2020 election.

Stenstrom and Hoopes then filed a lawsuit Stenstrom and Hoopes v Former Secretary of the Commonwealth Boockvar et al (36 defendants) with their video and audio evidence. It was delayed for nine (9) months at the County court level and quashed by Judge Jack Whelan “mooting” the lawsuit and then languished for almost two years in the Commonwealth Court. Multiple attempts were made to quash and dismiss the case there, which Stenstrom and Hoopes successfully fought. During this trajectory, Stenstrom and Hoopes were sued four times and sanctioned seven times for millions of dollars, and they defended themselves Pro Se (self-represented) throughout.
It will finally be heard in the April 8th, 2024, session of the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania.
The reason for the multiple attempts to quash Stenstrom and Hoopes cases and evidence of massive election fraud by County, Commonwealth (State), and Federal officials for three and a half years is obvious. It destroys the false narrative of the “safest and most secure elections in history” and shows the criminal misconduct of PA Attorney General (now Governor) Shapiro to snuff out evidence of his own illegitimate installation(s) in office and crushes his false narrative of “The Big Lie.”
May 23rd, 2023, Brief to Commonwealth Court – Appeal Pro Se – Stenstrom Hoopes – CD 876 22
As required to fulfill both their statutory duties, their oaths of allegiance to the Constitution and the United States, and fulfill litigative requirements to exhaust all administrative remedies, Stenstrom and Hoopes sent certified letters to District Attorney, the Pennsylvania Attorney General, the US Attorney and US DOJ in 2020 and 2021.
Stenstrom also filed formal criminal allegations with charge sheets against former US Attorney General Barr, US Attorney General Rosen, US Inspector General Horowitz, FBI Director Wray, Special Counsel Jack Smith, among other senior officials on July 4th, 2023, with the US Congress Judiciary Committee and Congressman Jim Jordan.
Stenstrom and Hoopes followed up with documented calls, emails, and texts that not only came from them, but other members of US Congress, the Pennsylvania legislature, and multiple journalists.
Multiple letters, emails, reports, and calls were made to the County, Pennsylvania, and National Republican National Committee (RNC and GOP) by Stenstrom, Hoopes and hundreds of advocates for their assistance in prosecuting election fraud, assisting in litigation, and assisting in securing recounts and recanvassing.
No response. No investigations. The silence continues to be deafening.

Exhibit in Declaration of Criminal Charges to the House Judiciary Committee
Federal Disclosures of Crimes to US Congress Judiciary Committee (Jim Jordan)
A primary tactic of Shapiro, “The Council,” and other politico’s intent on forwarding the “progressive social reconstruction” and “transformation” of the United States is to systematically attack licensed attorneys who have had the temerity to represent candidates and citizens in their efforts to regain election transparency.
When Stenstrom and Hoopes attempted to secure counsel for litigation in the November 2020 presidential election, only one would step forward. They retained Attorney Deborah Silver, a Georgetown Law School graduate, to represent them, which she honestly and capably did in Stenstrom and Hoopes v Delaware County et al.
In a secret hearing for which there is no record or transcript, Stenstrom and Hoopes were sanctioned for $50,000 and characterized by presiding Delaware County Common Pleas Judge Capuzzi as “contemptible” and of “unclean hands.” Regardless of the fact that they were not allowed to appear in court at the secret hearing or present any evidence, Capuzzi found that there wasn’t a “scintilla” of evidence. Attorney Silver was submitted to the Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board for disbarment, which she successfully defended herself against, but she was reasonably unwilling (and occupied with her disbarment proceedings) to move forward with Stenstrom and Hoopes in the appellate Courts.
This has been the blueprint for obstruction of election integrity since in virtually every election integrity lawsuit in the country. Attack candidates and citizens that provide evidence of election fraud or who request recounts or access to public election records and attack their attorneys with threats of disbarment and draconian fines and sanctions.
The secondary tactic to quash election transparency in the event any case in the country reached the discovery phase in court was for selected judges to refuse to allow the entry of any evidence of fraud.
The third tactic is for courts to refuse to hear the cases at all or delay them for so long that the evidentiary base either erodes, or illegitimately installed candidates complete their terms in office, effectively “mooting” the cases.
This is why Stenstrom and Hoopes have, out of necessity, pressed forward with election integrity lawsuits as Pro Se (self-represented) litigants,
Since the November 2020 elections, a growing number of candidates, citizens and grass roots patriot groups across Pennsylvania and the nation who have been stymied by corrupt election officials and the Courts to regain election transparency and access to election and public records have coalesced, compared notes, and continued to file lawsuits.
The primary vectors for massive election fraud are mail-in ballots and the electronic injection of fraudulent election results into tabulation servers as documented in “The Parallel Election” and multiple lawsuits that have included Stenstrom and Hoopes as both plaintiffs and defendants.
Stenstrom, who cofounded the Patriot.Online social media platform, worked with Hoopes, Joy Schwartz, and other candidates and citizens in Delaware County to obtain photographic images of the mail-in ballot envelopes through open records requests and lawsuits in the County and Commonwealth Courts, relying primarily upon the US Supreme Court 8-1 decision in Doe v. Reed, 561 U.S. 186, 130 S. Ct. 2811, 177 L. Ed. 2d 493 (2010), regarding signatures on petitions and attestations. They finally obtained over 320,000 envelope images since the November 2020 election, of which they photographed more than 26,000 in seven hours (from the May 2023 primary).
The analysis of those envelope images shows evidence of election fraud, fabricated envelopes, and that the envelopes were not processed in the centralized election counting center in Delaware County. This information and data have been included in cases filed in November 2022, May 2023, and November 2023, demanding visibility into election machine certifications, logic and accuracy testing, and recounts and recanvassing of elections.
- The photographs of the May 2023 Mail-In Ballot opened envelopes taken by Plaintiffs, and the images of those same envelopes taken by the BlueCrest mail sorter provided by the Board of Elections, should all match identically, but they DO NOT MATCH.
- Canvassing of a subset of electors who Defendants falsely claim submitted Mail in Ballot envelopes in Delaware County for both the May 2023 and November 2022 elections, has revealed that they did NOT vote in either election.
- Analysis of the May 2023 Mail in Ballot envelopes photographs and images clearly shows that they were processed by multiple mail sorters at location(s) other than the centralized counting center at the Wharf building, and that strict chain of custody was broken in their processing, and the corresponding pedigree of the ballots contained therein having been the true ballot of the elector, cannot be ascertained.
- Examination of the video camera footage from the Wharf centralized counting center provided by the Defendants shows that Plaintiffs Stenstrom, Hoopes and Rumley, had reasonable cause to believe there were less than 10,000 Mail in Ballots processed, and that the 24,289 count reported by Defendants after 8pm was incongruent with what they had observed.
- Video and photographic images and evidence clearly show that additional racks of Mail in Ballot envelopes and ballots were moved into the location after the election to falsely make it appear as if all Mail-In Ballots had been counted on Election Day.

Mail-In Ballot Envelope Photographs do NOT match BlueCrest Mail Sorter Images – Overprint of DTG

Mail-In Ballot Envelope Photographs do NOT match BlueCrest Mail Sorter Images – Missing DTG

Side by Side Comparison of BlueCrest images Nov 2023 to 2022 (example from ~102,000 images)

Side by Side Comparison of BlueCrest Images Nov 2023 to 2022 (example from ~102,000 images)

Overlay Comparison Nov 2022 to May 2023 – Example (~26,000 photos taken by Plaintiffs)

Overlay Comparison Nov 2022 to May 2023 – (~26,000 photos taken by Plaintiffs)
These envelope images and comparisons show multiple anomalies detailed in lawsuit filings in Delaware, Chester, and Fayette counties in Pennsylvania. Delaware County, PA, citizens can check whether their mail-in ballot envelope was recorded (or one was submitted for them) at and other citizens in counties in PA and the US are working to submit open records requests and upload their own mail-in ballot images to be added to the databases.
The same technology and applications developed for analyzing the mail-in ballot envelopes are also available for analyzing ballots for rapid recounts and recanvassing in a matter of hours and days as a counterpoint to recalcitrant Boards of Elections solicitors and officials’ common narrative that “recounts will take weeks and months.” Patriot.Online includes a special high-definition (8K) frame-by-frame video player developed by cofounders to rapidly review images and video available for download at
The machines and software used by the mail sorters that ingest Mail-In Ballot Envelopes into the centralized counting center in Delaware County, PA, are manufactured by BlueCrest, Inc. and includes signature analysis software from Parascript, LLC. The Parascript software was disabled in Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Arizona during the November 2020 elections but according to “Right to Know” responses to Stenstrom and Hoopes inquires was apparently used in post-election processing of envelope images, which could be used to both analyze and generate voter signatures.
Parascript, LLC, refused to sell their software to Stenstrom after a series of emails in August 2023.
Delaware County Council Member Christine Reuther went to extraordinary lengths to urgently procure funding to purchase BlueCrest Mail Sorters to process Mail-In Ballots for the November 2020 election, threatening to “steal” funds from County coffers to do so. Emails obtained via “Right to Know” requests revealed that Reuther coordinated with the Center for Tech and Civic Life (the Mark Zuckerberg financed NGO) for them to write the grants for Delaware County.
By itself, this might just be attributed to ill-conceived earnestness on Reuther’s part, but Stenstrom and Hoopes learned that fellow County Council member Kevin Madden was the Investment Partner and executive in the investment firm that purchased and owned BlueCrest, Inc. prior to the November 2020 elections and substantially benefitted financially from the sales of the multi-million dollar BlueCrest mail sorters that were purchased in Delaware County, PA, and throughout the country for other centralized election counting centers.
Video Comparison of Delaware County Mail-In Ballot Envelopes Nov 2022 to May 2023
Sample Video of Delaware County Mail-In Ballot Envelopes Nov 2022 to May 2023 2fps
Sample Video of Delaware County Mail-In Ballot Envelope Photographs to Mail Sorter Images 2fps
Stenstrom, Hoopes, and the grass roots patriot groups have secured access to public video cameras in the Delaware and Chester County’s, PA, centralized counting centers, as well as drop box cameras in Maricopa County, AZ, and record and archive all video 24×7 on protected servers on Patriot.Online since the May 2023 primary elections.

Screen Capture of Patriot.Online 24×7 Video Monitoring and Archiving of Centralized Counting Center
Stenstrom and Hoopes used these video archives to compare images and election records of when and how many mail-in ballots were supposedly processed by election officials and documented thousands of discrepancies and fabrications.
The day after Jon Marietta, a candidate for election, and Gregory Stenstrom filed a lawsuit for breach of fiduciary duty and recounts and recanvass on August 29th, 2023, to further contest the May 2023 primary election in Fayette County, PA, the Board of Elections violated the Pennsylvania Sunshine Act and certified the election on August 30th, 2023, to torpedo a public hearing on the matter. The following day, August 31st, 2023, Governor Shapiro made an abrupt, unscheduled plane trip to Fayette County from a northeast Philadelphia airport.
Whistleblowers and informants reported the purpose of the trip was to spirit away Fayette County, PA election envelopes, ballots, and election records to foil further recount efforts.
The four and a half (4.5) hours during which Shapiro and a large contingent of his staff landed and separated into two large black SUV’s, was a cat and mouse ground game between alerted citizens that frustrated and documented their attempts to shake them, resulting in Shapiro’s private plane hopping between local airports to evade observation, only to be met by citizens on the ground that recorded their every move.
They departed with multiple large heavy backpacks they could barely lift on the plane with which they did NOT arrive.

PA Governor Shapiro Plane in Fayette County 31 Aug 2023
Video 1 – Gov Shapiro plane at Connellsville Airport, PA on 31Aug2023 at 0935 (9:35 AM)
Video 2 – Gov Shapiro plane at Latrobe Airport, PA on 31Aug2023 at 1400 (2:00 PM)
Video 3 – Gov Shapiro plane at Latrobe Airport, PA on 31Aug2023 at 1400 (2:00 PM)
Video 4 – Gov Shapiro plane at Latrobe Airport, PA on 31Aug2023 at 1400 (2:00 PM)
It is a ridiculous and futile premise by GOP pundits that “out-harvesting” Mail-in Ballots and cheating “better-er” will change the outcome of elections.
It does not matter how many people “vote” as long as corrupt officials are permitted to “count” those votes in secret in veiled, centralized counting centers, and then thwart efforts for recounts and recanvassing to audit elections and hold corrupt election officials accountable for their crimes.
The only reason the GOP has promoted this idiotic narrative is that as a corporate entity, they profit from it, and it obscures the fact that they horse-trade and shape election outcomes in concert with the DNC as a “Uniparty.”
With the termination resignation of Ronna McDaniels, the former Republican National Committee Chairperson, and appointment of Lara Trump to that position and realignment with President Trump’s America First and MAGA organizations, renewed attention, and prioritization of restoring honest elections is back on the menu.
What Stenstrom and Hoopes uncovered over the course of years of investigations, research, conversations with whistleblowers, and their litigation is that while local (county) level corruption is primarily fueled by simple theft of government coffers, bad actors are able to operate a variety of criminal swindles with the cooperative acquiescence and overwatch of federal officials and agencies “entrusted” to investigate, prosecute, and stop lower-level County and State crimes.
These schemes include patronage, theft of properties, theft of estates, insurance fraud, “kids for cash,” awarding of “solicitorships” to favored lawyers, “green energy” swindles, property seizures, and the conversion and transfer of public monies to “public-private” partnerships and individuals.
When an individual citizen is victimized, they find themselves up against solicitors and judges installed by the very same “officials” victimizing them, defended by attorneys whose livelihoods depend on licenses to practice law that are in jeopardy by the installed solicitors and judges.
“Strategic mooting” is the bellwether of public corruption. When criminal County and State officials cannot quash exposure of corruption, they rely on federal sentinels to step in to obstruct investigations and punish anyone who stands in the way of their mutual wealth extraction goals.
Among the reasons few people are presently aware of these serious criminal acts is that Governor Shapiro, and his cadre of corrupt politicians and public officials have gone to extraordinary lengths to suppress the truth through active threats, intimidation, and a constant stream of false statements and propaganda to hide their crimes.
This does not mean that justice is impossible, it just takes more persistence and time than most expect or are willing to commit time and resources to.
Stenstrom, Hoopes, and a rapidly growing number of grass roots patriots have turned the tide of public perception regarding evidence of massive election fraud and that a winning strategy is litigation.
The following cases have been filed by Stenstrom, Hoopes and willing candidates and citizens, and each case has been, and is, crucial to restoring honest elections, and our Republic.
- Hoopes & Stenstrom vs Delaware County Board of Elections
- Stenstrom & Hoopes v Former Secretary of Commonwealth Boockvar et al
- Savage v Trump, Giuliani, Ellis, Stenstrom, Hoopes, Kline, et al
- Delaware County et al v Stenstrom and Hoopes
- Allen et al v Newsmax, Federalist, Hogan, Stenstrom, Hoopes, et al
- Schwartz, Stenstrom, Hoopes, Rumley v Delaware County et al
- Missino, Stenstrom, Hoopes v Delaware County et al
- Marietta & Stenstrom v Fayette County et al
- Yanoviak & Stenstrom v Chester County et al
These lawsuits have cumulatively resulted in the resignation and termination of dozens of corrupt election officials and solicitors (lawyers) at all levels of government.
Of the thirty-six (36) named election officials in Stenstrom and Hoopes v Former Secretary of the Commonwealth Boockvar et al, all but one has resigned, replaced or been terminated. The last official act of the Delaware County Solicitor William Martin was to destroy November 2020 election records before his abrupt “resignation” in December 2023. Martin had previously screamed “Sue me! Sue me! Sue me personally!” at a Delaware County Council meeting after threatening Stenstrom and Hoopes as “election deniers,” to which they obliged Martin, and served him with a lawsuit in the following County Council meeting.
In Chester County, PA, the Chief Administration Officer (CAO), Robert Kagle, who presided over the November 2020 election and all election since, and has obstinately blocked recounts, recanvassing, and defied multiple Pennsylvania Open Records judicial orders for access to public election records, also hastily resigned on February 24th, 2024. Kagle was under pressure from candidate Brian Yanoviak and authorized representative Stenstrom who filed suits in Chester County for November 7th, 2023, election recounts, and GOP Committeewoman Felice Fein who has obtained Pennsylvania Open Records judicial orders for Kagle to provide images of all Mail-in Ballot envelopes for elections going back to November 2020.
The wheels of the Courts move slowly out of necessity and by design, but they do move, and litigation puts pressure on contemptuous solicitors and public officials to disgorge public election records, whether a case is heard, or not.
We have millions of honest, good public servants in the United States that love our Republic.
There are dedicated law enforcement agents, District Attorneys, Judges, candidates, poll workers and watchers, election officials and elected representatives who are assisting, waiting to hear and adjudicate lawsuits in motion before the Courts, and ready to raise the bar for election transparency.
The primary litigative goal must be to shut down and remove the centralized counting centers that have popped into existence since 2020, and “Election Month” and return elections to decentralized county precincts and “Election Day,” and proving election fraud through litigation is the means to do that.
It is a race against time for the November 2024 election, but possible to do so, and restore some semblance of sanity and honest elections to our communities and out of the hands of corrupt bureaucrats and politicians.
Governor Shapiro is not only an architect and sentinel, but has been a beneficiary of massive election fraud, has eyes on the big chair in the Whitehouse, and is a potential replacement for Biden or Harris in 2024, and will be a candidate in 2028.
When Stenstrom, Hoopes, and the citizenry prevail in their election transparency lawsuits and petitions, we expect those election officials who committed criminal acts will be prosecuted by law enforcement and held accountable in the Courts, and that Governor Shapiro will be impeached.
Congressman Jim Jordan and the US Congress Judiciary Committee is fully empowered to act on Gregory Stenstrom’s disclosures of criminal charges against “The Council,” temporarily suspend Special Counsel Jack Smith, and halt his baseless criminal indictments of President Trump, pending their investigation. The US citizenry must demand to know why the Congress has remained mute despite having full knowledge of “The Council’s” malfeasance and obstructions.
Our Republic has endured through as worse, and much worse, times than these.
The People of the United States of America will ultimately prevail by remaining informed, engaging, and connecting to press forward in our Courts, and showing up in droves like never before at the polls in November 2024.