Jeremy Brown, a retired US Army Special Forces Master Sergeant, is being denied his freedom due to the decision by rogue federal agents to keep him in prison in direct opposition to President Donald Trump’s blanket pardon of Jan. 6 patriots.
The feds are hoping to exploit a technicality, as their unlawful raids eventually resulted in federal felony charges against Brown in Florida. The feds split his charges into two separate federal jurisdictions – one in Florida and one in Washington D.C. Although the Washington D.C. charges have been removed due to Trump’s pardon, the feds maintain that Brown’s Florida conviction in federal court on weapons charges remains intact.
Brown’s story is that of a patriot who was wronged considerably by the system he once put his life on the line to protect, and securing his pardon is at the forefront of the modern civil rights struggle endured by Trump supporters in this age of unprecedented government oppression.
Brown joined the Oath Keepers in the fall of 2020 and was approached by DHS in Tampa to become an informant. Brown refused to stab his patriotic brothers in the back, turning the agents down while legally recording his meeting to protect himself and his reputation. After he released the audio publicly of the agents trying to coerce him into becoming an informant, Brown was targeted shortly thereafter with a raid on his home despite his peaceful behavior at the Jan. 6 rally outside of Congress.
On Jan. 6, Brown went to Washington D.C. for the Save America Rally at the Ellipse to provide security during lawful, permitted rallies near the Capitol, as was requested by a rally speaker. Brown committed no violence and was a model citizen during the Jan. 6 protest. Brown never entered the premises of the Capitol building and even saved a woman from being trampled after she was pushed to the ground by Capitol police instigators attempting to clear a terrace area with brute force.
Nevertheless, at the end of Sept. 2021, Brown was arrested, and his residence was searched under an unlawful search warrant signed by a D.C. magistrate for two misdemeanor charges using the out-of- jurisdiction pretext of “terrorism.” This was because a so-called J6 cooperating witness, meaning an informant desperate to save their own tail, presented false, uncorroborated hearsay that another Oath Keeper claimed Jeremy may have possessed explosives in his van when he drove from Florida to the Washington D.C. area. For possessing two guns given to him by his deceased brother and grenades in a mysteriously-placed RV that had DNA, fingerprints, fibers, and hair samples not matching those of Brown, he was convicted and sentenced to more than 7 years in prison in Apr. 2023
The federal government disregarded the Constitution to split Brown’s charges into two separate jurisdictions likely to create a prior conviction so they could throw the book at him and further fuel the bogus narrative of Trump supporters being domestic terrorists in a biased Washington D.C. court. Brown’s attorney Carolyn Stewart stated in a Jan. 22 press release that “the warrant was an unconstitutional Fourth Amendment violation because it had no ‘items to be searched for’ on its face or incorporated. The warrant’s face said ‘See Attachment B.’ That cited Attachment was a picture of a place to search – apparently the RV (as if the FBI already knew what it was going to plant inside). By the Groh v. Ramirez, 540 U.S. 551 (2004) case, still valid, the warrant was facially invalid, illegal, and cannot be saved.”
Brown’s Washington D.C. case was dismissed on Jan. 21, but U.S. Marshalls decided without question, while the US Attorney in the Florida Middle District stood mute, that Brown was not eligible for a pardon because of his conviction in federal court in the state of Florida. This conviction, which is currently under appeal, came from the unlawful, out-of-jurisdiction search warrant by feds operating under the Biden administration’s umbrella investigation designed to entrap and imprison as many Jan. 6 patriots as possible. This malicious and nefarious Biden agenda executed by ruthless deep state operators was meant to concoct a conspiracy that could be tied to President Trump and keep him out of office as an insurrectionist and a criminal. This Biden plot obviously failed, and elections have consequences.
One of those consequences must mean never leaving a man behind. Brown joined the Oath Keepers, an organization of constitutional patriots falsely and disgracefully maligned as a terrorist group, with the most innocent of intentions. He showed up on Jan. 6 to assist patriots, give them security, keep the peace, and help those who were being harmed. Brown continued serving his country even after leaving the U.S. Army. He is an exemplar of the patriotic values embodied by our nation’s military throughout its history. Brown refused to be a no good rat and sell out his fellow patriots when doing so may have kept him out of the federal crosshairs. Despite or perhaps because of his noble service, Brown is being persecuted, and Trump’s orders are being flouted as the system hopes to make an example of any Jan 6er they possibly can because of severe sour grapes.
It is time for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who has been shamefully quiet about the plight of the Jan. 6ers, given encroachment of his state by excessive JTTF SWAT raids and illegitimate searches against his state citizens. He must come out to assure justice for Brown. DeSantis must apply copious amounts of political pressure on the system to highlight the righteousness of the pardons and provide support to get Brown’s case dismissed. His new state AG needs to get involved after that office ignored the travesty being inflicted on all J6 defendants inside Florida. The feds made a point of ensuring Florida and Texas had high numbers of defendants as they persecuted peaceful protestors. After DeSantis so shamefully worked as a pawn of the RINOs in their attempt to oust Trump from his rightful seat in the White House, it is the least he could do to get back into the good graces of Trump and supporters. This injustice against Brown cannot stand. Half-justice for Jan. 6 is not acceptable. The best of us who would go on the front lines to fight for liberty must be freed and venerated as heroes to fully realize the national renewal culminating due to MAGA.