The Broken Whistle: A Deep State Run Amok

By Pedro Israel Orta

A stand-out exposure of the haphazard organization of the Central Intelligence Agency.


The Broken Whistle is a thrilling expose unveiling a Deep State bent on destroying dissent and preserving its power. It is an unapologetic chronicle of one man’s fight for justice—a clarion call that thunders through the darkest corners of power. Prepare to be captivated by Orta’s unflinching courage as he peels back the layers of deception, exposing a broken whistleblower system that has forsaken its sacred duty.

“Now here I was, post-Snowden, relying on a system President Obama, Congress, and IC leaders had touted as successful and functional. But was it truly working? My case exposed it as nothing more than a sham. Would the CIA and the IC attempt to rectify the situation? Did they genuinely desire to fix the broken system? Or would they persist in employing their illegal bullying tactics to silence whistleblowers? I was determined to take action, offering them an opportunity to correct their behavior.” —From The Broken Whistle

The breaking news just kept on coming. The recently concluded Mueller investigation had not resulted in an indictment or impeachment of President Donald Trump. However, rumblings of a new scandal were just beginning to be heard. In 2019, a complaint from a whistleblower led back to a phone call between Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky and allegations that Trump held up military aid for political dirt against future presidential opponent Joe Biden. Pedro Israel Orta had worked in the CIA for more than a decade and was quite familiar with the whistleblower process and how the CIA dealt with them. Something about the current anonymous whistleblower and how their allegations were being treated felt inauthentic. Orta had attempted to call out problem areas while he worked for the agency but was met with inaction and stonewalling. His career would be stalled by the type of do-nothing officials who often managed to fail upward in government service. The lauding of the anonymous “whistleblower” in late 2019 led Orta to speak out and explain the process of exposing government corruption through the channels of intelligence.

The Truth Must Be Told is equal parts memoir and government expose. Pedro Israel Orta hailed from a family that emigrated from Cuba. Orta’s recall of his early years in Miami and his diligence in working and paying his way through school provides gravitas at the outset of the narrative. The Cold War made an impression on Orta and left him with a budding desire to serve his country. Orta would join the CIA as the agency was about to enter into a new type of war: The War on Terrorism. Orta’s patriotism and work ethic are very apparent as he describes various highlights/lowlights with each posting. He would serve in Afghanistan and Iraq, where chaos was never far away. However, the perils of government bureaucracy represented a different sort of chaotic paradigm. The frustrations experienced by Pedro in calling out wrongdoing at the agency are appreciable, no matter the place of employment. This proves to be a valuable book in understanding how our intelligence agencies are run and often mismanaged.

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